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Map Details - "Temple Of Death"

Map Name: Temple Of Death rating:
Map Type: Single Player, WangBang
Author: John Carto |
Date added: 07-16-2012 (based on 1 rating)
Description:The Temple Of Death is in a mountain setting. This should be a peaceful place where a Shadow Warrior could rest his weary bones.
Zilla's minions have captured the temple and made it into their own private battle ground. Retake the Temple and then take Your much needed rest.
As a wang bang we have discovered it to be best with 4 or more players. It plays well with less as long as everyone goes on the hunt instead of hiding in a hole somewhere.
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added on 16.07.2012added on 16.07.2012added on 16.07.2012added on 16.07.2012added on 16.07.2012

BME on 07-18-2012 comment
This map is quite nasty already from the beginning with many enemies crawling around not giving you the change to acclimatize to the surrounding first. The architecture and texturing and lighting is ok but it's the gameplay that I did not like that much, to me it's not that immersive enough.


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