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Map Details - "Noldor Ranzou-Vandclash House"

Map Name: Noldor Ranzou-Vandclash House rating:
Map Type: WangBang
not rated
Author: Noldor Ranzou |
Date added: 10-10-2015 (based on 0 ratings)
Description:This map is no other than an approximate recreation of my home. The map contains many spots for hiding and surprising your opponents, as well as every item/weapon with the exception of the nuke missile. Beware though, as the map has somewhat tight corridors in the middle, so try not to kill yourself. The map would be perfect for a duel or for 3-4 players.
Download: Noldor Ranzou-Vandclash House
(downloaded 1369 times)
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added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015
added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015added on 10.10.2015
added on 10.10.2015
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