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Map Details - "Lotus High"

Map Name: Lotus High rating:
Map Type: Single Player
Author: Sheri Sleyzak |
Date added: 07-20-2012 (based on 2 ratings)
Description:It's Back to School Night at Lotus High. See a play in the auditorium or catch a night game at the gym. Don't forget
to stop at the cafeteria for a snack.
Download: Lotus High
(downloaded 724 times)
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added on 20.07.2012added on 20.07.2012added on 20.07.2012added on 20.07.2012added on 20.07.2012added on 20.07.2012
added on 20.07.2012

BME on 07-22-2012 comment
It's not that much, could have been put more effort in.

cortex on 07-20-2012 comment
To me it is a very boring map. Huge and empty rooms or corridors. Too many weapons make the map much too easy. There is absolutely no shading used and the textures look like a mess at some places.

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