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Map Details - "Oz"

Map Name: Oz rating:
Map Type: Single Player, WangBang
Author: Sheri Sleyzak |
Date added: 09-07-2012 (based on 1 rating)
Description:Just as in the story, Wizard of Oz, you start out at Dorothy's house during the twister.
Find your way to meet the Wizard. Meet up with some characters along the way such as the Tin Man.
Download: Oz
(downloaded 1537 times)
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added on 07.09.2012added on 07.09.2012added on 07.09.2012added on 07.09.2012added on 07.09.2012added on 07.09.2012

Robman on 09-18-2013 comment
a classic, fun map to play :)
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