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Map Details - "Nitemare (Fixed Version)"

Map Name: Nitemare (Fixed Version) rating:
Map Type: Single Player, WangBang
not rated
Author: Jonathan C. Wu / Fix by Nemo
Date added: 10-17-2013 (based on 0 ratings)
Description:This is a fixed version of Jon Wu's "Nitemare" level, previously uploaded here. The prior version had a critical flaw that made it impossible to finish the level.

I also added a slight "enhancement" intended to help the player figure out how to progress further after obtaining the gold master key. I hope Jon won't mind this too much. That slight change should potentially alleviate a source of befuddlement that had both Cortex and I pulling out hair for awhile.

(See Nitemare-fix.txt for all the gory details.)
Download: Nitemare (Fixed Version)
(downloaded 1322 times)
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