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Map Details - "The Garden (Twin Dragon Level 14) Fix"

Map Name: The Garden (Twin Dragon Level 14) Fix rating:
Map Type: Single Player, WangBang
not rated
Author: Wylde Productions / Level Infinity
Date added: 10-18-2013 (based on 0 ratings)
Description:This map is a replacement fix for the Twin Dragon add-on's level 14, The Garden ($ The add-on package and a previous fix can be found at, under "sw-add-ons" (right frame column).

Level 14, as supplied in the TD package contains an incorrectly coded exit sector (see TD_Fix2.txt in the zip file) that prevents the player from advancing normally to the next level. (There is NO exit as a result of that bug!) This replacement corrects that.

NOTE: Do NOT unzip directly into any Shadow Warrior folder other than one - preferably a clone directory - that already contains the Twin Dragon map files. Twin Dragon's map names, including this replacement, are IDENTICAL to the 3D Realms map names, are not sequestered in a GRP file, and will at the very least supersede the normal in-game levels tucked away in SW.grp. (The full TD package also contains an *altered*, identically named SW.exe file, though backups are created by the Install.)
Download: The Garden (Twin Dragon Level 14) Fix
(downloaded 1498 times)
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Nemo on 10-19-2013 comment
I should also mention that this map very likely REQUIRES the Twin Dragon add-on, since TD has custom art files and sounds. (It MIGHT be playable, if RENAMED, as a regular Shadow Warrior user level, but I really wouldn't count on it.)

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