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Map Details - "Heretic"

Map Name: Heretic rating:
Map Type: Single Player, WangBang
not rated
Author: Robman
Date added: 04-02-2014 (based on 0 ratings)
Description: for Shadow Warrior.

Single Play and Wangbang

Created by: Robman

April 1 2014 (yes, released on April fools day, heh)

Build time: 1 week

This is a Full conversion of the Heretic map E1M1 for Shadow Warrior.

-I've even included the original midi which can be used aswell.
To use the midi file in SWP just put He1m1.mid into the music folder and then select the midi in the menu when launching
the map.

-The map is built upon the brightness level of 6. If you want it super dark, play it on 1 for the blind creepy factor. I

play SWP on brightness 7 and DOS, 5.

-Make sure to have monster on difficulty 3 or 4.
-Have 3d(voxel) sprites turned on!

How this particular map came into creation:
1: Used a wad2map conversion tool that converts the heretic E1M1 map into a duke3d map.

2: Most functions get converted over well for duke3d and the map is almost playable out of the gate, if you wanted to

play a duke version, but we want SHADOW WARRIOR! So I then take the duke3d E1M1 and used Mapster to resize the entire map
to be suitable for Sw.

3: Now, using a Duke2Sw map conversion tool I converted the map so it will launch properly in the Sw build editor.
Nothing carries over from duke to sw in the conversion except the pure architecture of the map.

4: Now the long process of redoing the shading, textures, sounds, start points, functions, effects.. EVERYTHING. I got to
a point where I reached a good enough (for my tastes) level of 1:1 conversion in relation to the original Heretic E1M1
and then my imagination kept going, adding some cool things and stretching out the gameplay of the map.

5: Steps 1-3 took minutes.. step 4 took a week, lol.
Download: Heretic
(downloaded 1572 times)
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added on 02.04.2014added on 02.04.2014added on 02.04.2014added on 02.04.2014added on 02.04.2014added on 02.04.2014
added on 02.04.2014

BME on 06-01-2014 comment
I completely seem to have lost all my SW tactics and I find it rather easy to die, I must have been playing Blood too much.
Robman on 06-02-2014
Well the remedy for that is more practice! hehe. Did you enjoy the map or just get frustrated from dying? Surely you had tried the original Heretic game and map in the past?
Robman on 06-02-2014
Well the remedy for that is more practice! hehe. Did you enjoy the map or just get frustrated from dying? Surely you had tried the original Heretic game and map in the past?
Robman on 06-02-2014
Somehow that double posted .. oh joy, lol
BME on 06-02-2014
Well the weapons are much different in SW compared to Blood, especially the exploding ones can be frustrating. To me SW seems much harder to play.

Sir Seizhak on 04-20-2014 comment
This was what I expected: a conversion with some effects and without add more parts or details (well, the underwater part was necessary).

It's a good map. The trap in the darkness is effective (damn big wasps :D) and it isn't a a very hard map as the original one.

Robman on 04-18-2014 comment
Thanks for giving it a try :D

Sir Seizhak on 04-16-2014 comment
Wow, very interesting. I will reinstall my SW. As I can see the author didn't add much details. How about a remake using this Build?

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