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Map Details - "The Pitfall's Depth"

Map Name: The Pitfall's Depth rating:
Map Type: WangBang
not rated
Author: Fernando Márquez |
Date added: 10-17-2015 (based on 0 ratings)
Description:A small well-rounded temple with two romos and two water-fronted halls. The area has a few well-interconnected passages and two magic carpets.
Download: The Pitfall's Depth
(downloaded 1352 times)
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added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015
added on 17.10.2015

Robman on 11-01-2015 comment
Had kind of a Quake2 deathmatch map feel to it for me, I like how quickly you and Noldor have picked up on making effects in Sw.

Fernando Márquez on 10-17-2015 comment
This is my last regular WangBang map, the next two maps are for Capture The Flag (CTF).

Stay tuned...

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