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Map Details - "Lugubrum"

Map Name: Lugubrum rating:
Map Type: WangBang
not rated
Author: Noldor Ranzou |
Date added: 10-17-2015 (based on 0 ratings)
Description:Lugubrum is the name of a belgian experimental black metal band, hence it's a homage of my own. The map is some kind of an old medieval chapel. Beware of the lava pit in the middle, as molten boulders are being constantly spewed out to kill you.

The ideal player load for this map would be around 2 or more players.
Download: Lugubrum
(downloaded 1343 times)
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added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015
added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015added on 17.10.2015
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