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Map Details - "Ludo Game"

Map Name: Ludo Game rating:
Map Type: WangBang
not rated
Author: Noldor Ranzou |
Date added: 10-24-2015 (based on 0 ratings)
Description:A giant living room with a Ludo board placed on a huge table. The map features two flying carpets, a driveable toy car to shoot your opponents with, teleports, jump pads, a rathole and a diveable glass of water. You can grab the nuke missile
by reaching the lamp top with the green carpet.

This map could be suited for a duel but it\'s a hell lot more fun with 3 or more players.
Download: Ludo Game
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added on 24.10.2015added on 24.10.2015added on 24.10.2015added on 24.10.2015added on 24.10.2015added on 24.10.2015
added on 24.10.2015added on 24.10.2015added on 24.10.2015

Robman on 11-01-2015 comment
Reminds me of Sheri and John's "Kitchen" map because well, yer a tiny Wang! hehe. Looks nice and fun, jumps pads, teleports and flying carpets, need I say more? :D

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