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Map Details - "Granja Shadow Warrior"

Map Name: Granja Shadow Warrior rating:
Map Type: WangBang
not rated
Author: Vandclash |
Date added: 11-22-2015 (based on 0 ratings)
Description:This is an adaptation of a converted map from Duke Nukem 3D user map, originally released in 2013 by the name of "Granja Nukem".

Took me a while re-texturing, decreasing sectors, walls for the best perfomance. Also I recommend disabling 3D Sprites (voxels) in Shadow Warrior for DOS.

Noldor Ranzou helped me with the effects such as ladders, doors, water, etc. I also give my thanks to Cristobal Márquez, he helped me fixing bugs and other important things!
Download: Granja Shadow Warrior
(downloaded 1423 times)
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added on 22.11.2015added on 22.11.2015added on 22.11.2015added on 22.11.2015added on 22.11.2015added on 22.11.2015
added on 22.11.2015added on 22.11.2015added on 22.11.2015added on 22.11.2015
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