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Map Details - "Lotus Inn"

Map Name: Lotus Inn rating:
Map Type: Single Player
Author: Sheri Sleyzak |
Date added: 07-14-2012 (based on 1 rating)
Description:Visit the Lotus Inn,there's a waterfall in each suite.
See a gypsy fortune teller, the Crystal Caves, an underground lava pit.
You can even attend a Yoga class.But, oh yeah, don't expect to get any rest!
Download: Lotus Inn
(downloaded 1445 times)
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added on 14.07.2012added on 14.07.2012added on 14.07.2012added on 14.07.2012added on 14.07.2012added on 14.07.2012
added on 14.07.2012added on 14.07.2012

cortex on 07-14-2012 comment
A nice little map, although short it has some nice places that have a good atmosphere like the wood or the cave. The extremely ugly blue corridor causes penalty on the total score.

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