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Robman on 17.04.2013
A blood player calling a shadow warrior map "surreal"... is well, surreal! Here's a little verbal walk through to relieve some, if any confusion. ... Step 1- kill all the enemies with the turret, run over, climb up and grab the gold key to unlock the gold keyed door. Step 2 - Make your way behind the waterfall and down the elevator to the area with the silver keyed door. Finding the silver key should be plenty easy. Once through the Silver keyed door it opens you up to the main outdoor portion of the map. There is a wooden fortress up top that contains a RED button which opens a RED cabinet found up high in the trees. The fortress doors are only opened by the button found in the RED lava room ( sensing a trend here ?) which needs to be exploded open to gain entry. Once you have the RED key you will need to find the RED keyed door, which is located behind an explodable wall under one of the 4 waterfalls. Before you go through the RED keyed door, it would be wise to find the blue and green access cards which open cabinets containing health and ammo when you are battling Zilla at the end of the map. Here is a hint... one access card is located up high... and one is down low. After you proceed through the RED keyed door under the waterfall, there are no more keys to grab or doors to unlock, simply a series of sections to play through that is quite linear and shouldn't confuse people. This map was not intended to be confusing, however it was not meant to be beaten in 5 minutes either, but rather explored. The map is best played using a Port such as SWP or JonoF as they offer much higher resolutions and sprites do not clip as easily. Unless you don't have windows I'm not sure why people would even use the dos/dosbox version nowadays anyways as it is UGLY and the mouse movement is restrictive. The ports offer a huge number of improvements. I was also under the impression it was a good idea to complete a map before rating, but that's just me :) Anywho, thanks again for downloading and giving it a try. Also, yes I have stretched a few textures to make them look better + the outdoor section of the map is large and complex.. you do need a decent computer to run this map smoothly.

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